John Salley, 48, was a Piston for six seasons. He spoke with the Free Press recently to promote a line of natural supplements and the benefits of a vegan lifestyle.
The NBA was a dominant part of the conversation, and he shared his thoughts on many topics. Here's the first part.
⢠Salley, on LeBron James: "I'm a fan of the Heat. I played for them as well. When I left Detroit, I went there. I'm a huge LeBron fan. It's funny how people are so set into 'I hate him,' and don't know why. ... The kid on his own showed me something I haven't seen. He took (Cleveland) to the championship (game). That year he didn't have anybody worthwhile that we can mention, but he took a team that no one paid attention to. ... You don't win championships with just one player. Oscar Robinson needed Kareem (Abdul Jabbar). Jerry West needed Wilt Chamberlain. Michael Jordan had to have Scottie Pippen. ... That's just the way it works."
⢠Salley, on James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh joining forces: "This is the one time ballplayers knew about their money, knew about taxes, knew about salary caps and deferred money. They go, 'Man, they shouldn't do that. They should just play ball.' And then when they just play ball and at the end of the career they lose their money, then the same critic says, 'Man, how they lose their money? You should have been paying attention.' "
⢠Salley, on critics: "Critics are people who watch the battle and then go down and kill the survivor. They have nothing to do with it. They just talk about (stuff) they have nothing to do with. So I'm happy that LeBron won the championship."
Free Press writer Vince Ellis will chat live with readers about the Pistons at 11 a.m. Thursday. Submit your questions early here.
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